『肝心の Rast はインストールされていますか?』といわれたが…


C:\>perl -MCPAN -e shell
Set up gcc environment - 3.4.4 (cygming special) (gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7601)
ReadLine support enabled

cpan> install Rast
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
CPAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok
Fetching with LWP:
Going to read C:\Perl\cpan\sources\authors\01mailrc.txt.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Going to read C:\Perl\cpan\sources\modules\02packages.details.txt.gz
  Database was generated on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 10:24:58 GMT

  There's a new CPAN.pm version (v1.8802) available!
  [Current version is v1.7601]
  You might want to try
    install Bundle::CPAN
    reload cpan
  without quitting the current session. It should be a seamless upgrade
  while we are running...

Fetching with LWP:
Going to read C:\Perl\cpan\sources\modules\03modlist.data.gz
Going to write C:\Perl\cpan\Metadata
Warning: Cannot install Rast, don't know what it is.
Try the command

    i /Rast/

to find objects with matching identifiers.

cpan> i /Rast/
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read C:\Perl\cpan\Metadata
  Database was generated on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 10:24:58 GMT
Author          HARASTY ("Dan Harasty" )
Distribution    A/AJ/AJOLMA/Geo-Raster-0.42.tar.gz
Distribution    L/LG/LGODDARD/Image-IPTCInfo-RasterCaption-0.1.tar.gz
Module          Geo::Raster     (A/AJ/AJOLMA/Geo-Raster-0.42.tar.gz)
Module          Image::IPTCInfo::RasterCaption (L/LG/LGODDARD/Image-IPTCInfo-Ras
Module          Plagger::Plugin::Search::Rast (M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Plagger-0.7.16.tar.gz)
Module          UML::Sequence::Raster (P/PH/PHILCROW/UML-Sequence-0.07.tar.gz)
7 items found

cpan>install Plagger::Plugin::Search::Rast
Plagger::Plugin::Search::Rast is up to date.



PPM - Programmer's Package Manager version 3.3.
Copyright (c) 2001 ActiveState Corp. All Rights Reserved.
ActiveState is a division of Sophos.

Entering interactive shell. Using Term::ReadLine::Perl as readline library.

Type 'help' to get started.

ppm> rep
[1] theoryx5
[2] tcool
[3] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
[4] ActiveState Package Repository
[5] Autonamed 1

ppm> install Rast
Error: Package 'Rast' not found on server. Please 'search' for it first.

ppm> search Rast
Searching in Active Repositories
No matches for 'Rast'; see 'help search'.

ppm> help search
search -- Search for Packages
     search                Displays list of previous searches
     search        Displays results of search 
     search  Performs a new search
     search = Searches for all packages matching the field.
     search *              Displays all packages in the current repository

    The available fields are 'ABSTRACT', 'NAME', 'TITLE', 'AUTHOR', and
    'VERSION'. 'NAME' is used when you do not specify a field.

    Use the search command to look through the repository for packages. PPM
    version 3 provides powerful search functionality. For example:

    1.  Search for 'CGI' anywhere in the name:

          search CGI

        Example results:


    2.  Search for 'CGI' at the beginning of the name:

          search CGI*

        Example results:


    3.  Search for all modules authored by someone with 'smith' in their
        name or email:

          search AUTHOR=smith

        Example results:


    4.  Search for 'compress' anywhere in the abstract:

          search ABSTRACT=compress

        Example results:


    5.  Search for 'CGI' in the name, or 'web' in the abstract:

          search CGI or ABSTRACT=web

        Example results:


    6.  Search for 'XML' in the name and either 'parser' in the name or
        'pars' in the abstract, but not with 'XPath' in the name:

          search XML and (parser or ABSTRACT=pars) and not XPath

        Example results:


    7.  PPM Server 3 repositories only: search by module name, even if
        unrelated to the containing package:

          search Data::Grove

        Example results:


    8.  Browse all packages in the repository:

          search *

        Example results:

          [many more...]

    Recall previous searches using the 'search ' command. PPM stores
    searches for each session until you exit PPM.

    Some package names or versions are too long to be displayed in the
    search results. If a name is too long, you will see a '~' (tilde) as the
    last visible character in the column. You can use *describe* to view
    detailed information about such packages.

  Search Results
    When you type a command like "search XML", PPM searches in each of the
    Active Repositories (see the *repository* command) for your package. The
    results are merged into one list, and duplicates (packages found in more
    than one repository) are hidden.

    You can control what fields PPM shows for each package. The fields each
    have a built-in weight, which is used to calculate how wide to make each
    field based on the width of your screen. Information that doesn't fit
    into a field is truncated, and a tilde ("~") character is displayed in
    the last column of the field.

    Let's get down to an example:

        ppm> search XML
        Searching in Active Repositories
            1. CGI-XMLForm           [0.10] Extension to CGI.pm which
            2. Data-DumpXML          [1.01] Dump arbitrary data structures
            3. DBIx-XML_RDB          [0.05] Perl extension for creating XML
            4. DBIx-XMLMessage       [0.03] XML Message exchange between DBI
            5. GoXML-XQI            [1.1.4] Perl extension for the XML Query
            6. Language-DATR-DATR2~ [0.901] manipulate DATR .dtr, XML, HTML,
            7. libxml-perl           [0.07] support for deeply nested
            8. Mail-FilterXML         [0.1] Undetermined
            9. Mail-XML              [0.03] Adds a toXML() method to
           10. Pod-XML               [0.93] Module to convert POD to XML

    As you can see, the three fields being displayed are:

    1   NAME

        The package name

    2   VERSION

        The package version

    3   ABSTRACT

        The package abstract

    You can customize the view somewhat. If you want to view the authors,
    but not the abstract, you can run the same *search* command after using
    *set* to change the fields:

        ppm> set fields="NAME VERSION AUTHOR"
        Setting 'fields' set to 'name version author'.
        ppm> search XML
        Using cached search result set 1.
            1. CGI-XMLForm         [0.10] Matt Sergeant (matt@sergeant.org)
            2. Data-DumpXML        [1.01] Gisle Aas (gisle@aas.no)
            3. DBIx-XML_RDB        [0.05] Matt Sergeant (matt@sergeant.org)
            4. DBIx-XMLMessage     [0.03] Andrei Nossov (andrein@andrein.com)
            5. GoXML-XQI          [1.1.4] Matthew MacKenzie (matt@goxml.com)
            6. Language-DATR-DAT~ [0.901] Lee Goddard (lgoddard@cpan.org)
            7. libxml-perl         [0.07] Ken MacLeod (ken@bitsko.slc.ut.us)
            8. Mail-FilterXML       [0.1] Matthew MacKenzie (matt@goxml.com)
            9. Mail-XML            [0.03] Matthew MacKenzie (matt@goxml.com)
           10. Pod-XML             [0.93] Matt Sergeant (matt@sergeant.org)

    You can change the order in which the results are sorted, and what
    columns are displayed. The settings *fields* and *sort-field* changes
    this. You can sort by any valid field name (even fields which are not
    displayed). See the *settings* command for the valid field names.

    PPM always hides "duplicate" results. It decides whether a result is
    duplicated based on the fields being displayed. If the same package is
    found in more than one repository, but you don't have the REPOSITORY
    field showing, PPM will only list the package once.

